
Helicopter pictures of Eurocopter EC-135, Airbus Helicopters H135, Airbus Helicopters Juno HT
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Eurocopter EC-135P-2, Airbus Helicopters Juno HT Mk.1 |
RAF Fairford (FFD/EGVA) · United Kingdom
14 - 16 July 2023
Eurocopter EC-135P-2 (271), c/n: 0431, 302 Training and Surveillance Squadron, 3 Operations Wing, Irish Air Corps, Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnel, Ireland
Airbus Helicopters H135 Juno HT Mk.1 (ZM525 / 25), c/n: 2031, 60 Squadron, No. 1 Flying Training School (FTS), Royal Air Force, RAF Shawbury, United Kingdom
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Airbus Helicopters H135 Juno HT1 |
RAF Fairford (FFD/EGVA) · United Kingdom
15 - 17 July 2022
Airbus Helicopters H135 Juno HT1 (ZM508 / 08), c/n: 2005, 60 Squadron, No. 1 Flying Training School, Royal Air Force, RAF Shawbury, United Kingdom
Airbus Helicopters H135 Juno HT1 (ZM519 / 19), c/n: 2023, 60 Squadron, No. 1 Flying Training School, Royal Air Force, RAF Shawbury, United Kingdom
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Airbus Helicopters H135 Juno HT1 |
RAF Fairford (FFD/EGVA) · United Kingdom
19 - 21 July 2019
Airbus Helicopters H135 Juno HT1 (ZM519 / 19), c/n: 2023, Defence Helicopter Flying School (DHFS), Royal Air Force, RAF Shawbury, United Kingdom
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Eurocopter EC-135
RAF Fairford (FFD/EGVA) · United Kingdom
13 - 15 July 2018

Eurocopter EC-135T-1 (G-CHSU), c/n: 0079, National Police Air Service (NPAS), South West Division, Filton (South Gloucestershire), United Kingdom

Eurocopter EC-135P-2+ (D-HDDL), c/n: 1200, Naval Aviation Wing 5 (Marinefliegergeschwader 5, MFG-5), German Navy (Deutsche Marine), Nordholz, Germany
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Eurocopter EC-135P-2+, Airbus Helicopters H135 Juno HT1
RAF Fairford (FFD/EGVA) · United Kingdom
14 - 16 July 2017

Eurocopter EC-135P-2+ (D-HDDL), c/n: 1200, Naval Aviation Wing 5 (Marinefliegergeschwader 5, MFG-5), German Navy (Deutsche Marine), Nordholz, Germany

Airbus Helicopters H135 Juno HT1 (ZM509 / 09), c/n: 2007, Royal Air Force, Defence Helicopter Flying School (DHFS), RAF Shawbury, United Kingdom
This H135 Juno helicopter is one of the new aircraft in the fleet of the UK Military Flying Training System (UKMFTS).
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Eurocopter EC-135
RAF Fairford (FFD/EGVA) · United Kingdom
8 - 10 July 2016

Eurocopter EC-135T-1 (G-CHSU), c/n: 0079, National Police Air Service (NPAS), South West Division, Filton (South Gloucestershire), United Kingdom

Eurocopter EC-135P-2+ (D-HDDL), c/n: 1200, Naval Aviation Wing 5 (Marinefliegergeschwader 5, MFG-5), German Navy (Deutsche Marine), Nordholz, Germany
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Eurocopter EC-135T-1, Airbus Helicopters H-135 Bluecopter
Berlin ExpoCenter Airport (BER/EDDB) · Schönefeld (Selchow) · Germany
2 - 4 June 2016

Eurocopter EC-135T-1 (82+53), c/n: 0098, International Helicopter Training Center, Training Group A, German Army, Bückeburg, Germany
(Internationales Hubschrauberausbildungszentrum - IntHubschrAusbZ, Lehrgruppe A, Deutsches Heer, Bückeburg)

Airbus Helicopters H-135 Bluecopter (D-HEEX), c/n: 0001, Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH, Donauwörth, Germany
The Eurocopter Group was renamed Airbus Helicopters on 2 January 2014. As effective of 1 January 2016 the trade names of the helicopters were also changed, e.g. EC-135 to H-135.
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Eurocopter EC-135T-2
RAF Fairford (FFD/EGVA) · United Kingdom
11 - 13 July 2014

Eurocopter EC-135T-2 (G-SURY), c/n: 0283, National Police Air Service (Surrey Police), Wakefield, United Kingdom
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Eurocopter EC-135T-1
Berlin ExpoCenter Airport (BER/EDDB) · Schönefeld (Selchow) · Germany
20 - 25 May 2014

Eurocopter EC-135T-1 (82+60), c/n: 0111, Army Aviation Weapons School (Heeresfliegerwaffenschule, HFlgWaS, HFWS), German Army (Deutsches Heer), Bückeburg, Germany

Eurocopter EC-135T-1 (82+64), c/n: 0117, Army Aviation Weapons School (Heeresfliegerwaffenschule, HFlgWaS, HFWS), German Army (Deutsches Heer), Bückeburg, Germany
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Eurocopter EC-135T-2
Hinterstoisser AB (LOXZ) · Zeltweg, Austria
28 - 29 June 2013

Eurocopter EC-135T-2 (OE-XFB), c/n: 0470, The Flying Bulls GmbH, Salzburg Airport, Austria

More photos: Red Bull Aircraft and Helicopters
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Eurocopter EC-135
Berlin ExpoCenter Airport (BER/EDDB), Schönefeld (Selchow), Germany
11 - 16 September 2012

Eurocopter EC-135 P2i (D-HBBY), c/n: 0262, Police Helicopter Squadron Brandenburg, Brandenburg State Police (Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Brandenburg, Landespolizei Brandenburg), Blumberg/Ahrensfelde, Germany
- aircraft movement, not part of the airshow

Eurocopter EC-135T-2+ (D-HCBR / H12), c/n: 0973, Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH, Munich, Germany
- marked as Policía Federal Argentina (PFA)

Eurocopter EC-135T-2+/i (D-HVBF), c/n: 0171, Federal Police (Bundespolizei), Germany
Photo Courtesy of © Peter Grueschow

Eurocopter EC-135P-2+ (SP-HXT), c/n: 0932, Polish Medical Air Rescue (Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe), Warsaw, Poland

Eurocopter EC-135T-1 (82+60), c/n: 0111, Army Aviation Weapons School (Deutsches Heer, HFWS, Heeresfliegerwaffenschule, HFlgWaS), Bückeburg, Germany
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Eurocopter EC-135T-2
Hinterstoisser AB (LOXZ) · Zeltweg, Austria
1 - 2 July 2011

Eurocopter EC-135T-2 (OE-XFB), c/n: 0470, The Flying Bulls GmbH, Salzburg Airport, Austria

More photos: The Flying Bulls aircraft and helicopter fly-by at Airpower11 Airshow.
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Eurocpter EC-635, Eurocopter EC-135
Airshow: |
Berlin Airshow ILA 2010 |
Location: |
Berlin-Schönefeld AP (SXF/EDDB), Germany |
Date: |
8 - 13 June 2010 |

Eurocopter TH05 (EC-635P-2) (T-354), c/n: 0608, Swiss Air Force (Schweizer Luftwaffe)
The Eurocopter EC-635 is a military version of the EC-135.

Eurocopter EC-135T-1 (82+54), c/n: 0099, Army Aviation Weapons School (Deutsches Heer, HFWS, Heeresfliegerwaffenschule, HFlgWaS), Bückeburg, Germany

Eurocopter EC-135T-1 (82+60), c/n: 0111, Army Aviation Weapons School (Deutsches Heer, HFWS, Heeresfliegerwaffenschule, HFlgWaS), Bückeburg, Germany

Eurocopter EC-135P-2 (D-HBBZ), c/n: 0269, Police Helicopter Squadron Brandenburg, Brandenburg State Police (Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Brandenburg, Landespolizei Brandenburg), Berlin-Schönefeld AP, Germany
Photo #2020 Courtesy of © Peter Grueschow · globemaster.de

Eurocopter EC-135P-2+ (D-HBPH), c/n: 0912, Police Helicopter Squadron Bavaria, Bavaria State Police (Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Bayern, Landespolizei Bayern), Munich AP, Germany

Eurocopter EC-135T-1 (D-HEOY), c/n: 0035, HTM Helicopter Travel Munich GmbH, Ottobrunn, Germany
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Eurocopter EC-135
Airshow: |
Location: |
Fritzlar Army Airfield (FTZ/EDPF), Germany
Date: |
17 August 2008

Eurocopter EC-135P2 (D-HYGN) "Christoph", c/n: 0303, ADAC Medical Air Service (ADAC Luftrettung GmbH)
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Eurocopter EC-135
Airshow: |
Location: |
Manching Flight Test Center (IGS/ETSI), Germany
Date: |
15 September 2007

Eurocopter EC-135 (82+57), Army Aviation Weapons School (Deutsches Heer, HFWS, Heeresfliegerwaffenschule, HFlgWaS), Bückeburg, Germany

Eurocopter EC-135P-2 (D-HDCL), c/n: 0406, Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH, Munich, Germany

Eurocopter EC-135 ACT/FHS (D-HFHS), German Aerospace Center (DLR - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt), Braunschweig, Germany
- FHS: Flying Helicopter Simulator
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Pictures: |
Eurocopter EC-135
Airshow: |
Location: |
Berlin-Schönefeld AP (SXF/EDDB), Berlin, Germany
Date: |
16 - 21 May 2006

Eurocopter EC-135 (82+51), c/n: 0076, Army Aviation Weapons School (Deutsches Heer, HFWS, Heeresfliegerwaffenschule, HFlgWaS), Bückeburg, Germany
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