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Airborne and ground demonstrations of the German Army 1st Light Infantry Regiment (Air-Mobile)

Pictures: Bell UH-1D, MBB Eurocopter Bo-105, VFW-Fokker CH-53G (Sikorsky S-65)
Fritzlar Army Airfield (FTZ/EDPF), Germany
17 August 2008

Units of the German Army Air-Mobile Division (Deutsches Heer, DLO - Division Luftbewegliche Operationen) are demonstrating tactical situations:

1. Area infiltration, fast-rope repelling, secure of an area:

Bell UH-1D Bell UH-1D Bell UH-1D

Bell UH-1D Bell UH-1D

2. Drop-off infantry fighting vehicles:

Sikorsky CH-53G Stallion Sikorsky CH-53G Stallion

Sikorsky CH-53G Stallion Wiesel Armoured Weapons Carrier (AWC)

Wiesel Armoured Weapons Carrier (AWC) is a German light air-transportable armoured fighting vehicle. The tactical sign on the front-side means "5th Co./1st LIRgt (A)". (see below)

3. Establishing a tactical control point/temporary checkpoint (TCP):

Tactical Control Point (TCP) Tactical Control Point (TCP) Tactical Control Point (TCP)

Wiesel Armoured Weapons Carrier (AWC) Tactical Control Point (TCP)

4. Air-Mobile checkpoint by helicopter:

Bell UH-1D Bell UH-1D Bell UH-1D

Bell UH-1D Bell UH-1D Bell UH-1D

Bell UH-1D Bell UH-1D Bell UH-1D

The white truck was stopped by two Bo-105 helicopters. Bell UH-1D helicopters brought in personnel to search the suspicious vehicle and the driver.

The tactical airborne and ground demonstrations above were performed by soldiers of the German Army 1st Light Infantry Regiment (Air-Mobile) - abbreviated: "1st LIRgt (A)" - based at Schwarzenborn, Germany. The german designation is "Jägerregiment 1 - luftbeweglich". This new air assault unit is the only unit of it's kind within the Bundeswehr. Their activation was in July 2006.

1st LIRgt (A) falls under the command of the German Army Air-Mobile Division (DLO - Division Luftbewegliche Operationen) and reports directly to the Air-Mobile Brigade 1 (Luftbewegliche Brigade 1) at Fritzlar.

Fritzlar is also home of the Attack Helicopter Regiment 36 (Kampfhubschrauberregiment 36 "Kurhessen", KHR-36) - the host unit of the 2008 open day. KHR-36 operates the MBB Bo-105 helicopter. The regiment is a sister unit of 1st LIRgt (A) within the Air-Mobile Brigade 1.

Details and more photos of the participating helicopters:

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